In any fleet or delivery business operation, time is an asset. But so is the worker's energy level. This is one of the reasons commercial vehicles and delivery trucks are fitted with a liftgate. This contraption significantly reduces the amount of energy needed when loading and unloading cargo or equipment to and from the truck's bed or cargo compartment. It helps save much of the crew's energy for the significant part of the operation. The liftgate also makes your loading operations safer and faster, increasing the fleet's overall efficiency. The liftgate, coupled with proper loading and unloading procedures, also reduces the risk of having damaged cargo or injured workers due to heavy lifting.
5 Signs that Your liftgate Needs Repair
Despite their advantages, liftgates are among the truck's often-neglected components. Every time they are in operation, liftgates are subjected to wear and tear. Good thing, liftgate issues are often fixable. And when they start to malfunction, signs are relatively easy to spot.
1. Motor stops working
If the truck liftgate's motor fails to run, it may be due to a faulty motor solenoid or a broken switch or wire. If there's power reaching the motor but you do not hear a clicking sound, it may be time to replace the motor solenoid. But if the motor is getting no power, the culprit could be a broken wire or switch.
2. Platforms/doors won't lower or raise
If this is the problem, your truck mechanic may need to look at different components. If the motor is running but the platform doesn't move, you may check your truck's batteries. A booster can be used to quickly find out if the reason for this problem is the battery or not. If there's power on the lock valve or lowering valve, you are more likely dealing with a faulty wire. If the valves are not getting any power, the problem could be traced back to a bad switch.
3. Leaks from the hydraulic liftgate
Fluid leaking from the truck's hydraulic liftgate can be due to damaged lines, hoses, fittings, and/or cylinders. The mechanic can address liftgate leaks by properly tightening the fitting connections to the cylinders or the power unit. Any visible damage to the mentioned parts or the presence of residue around these connections may warrant replacement.
4. Slow operation
If your liftgate is working too slow, you may check the hydraulic reservoir's fluid level. When the oil level goes down the acceptable range, the liftgate will struggle to raise to deck height. If the hydraulic fluid is still within an acceptable level, your mechanic will need to check the mechanism responsible for the liftgate's operation.
5. Squeaking noise
liftgates are designed to operate smoothly and with minimal noise, but unusual squeaking sounds may appear due to some issues. You can prevent this by applying lubricants that are specially formulated for liftgates. If the sound persists even after lubricant application, you are likely dealing with a more serious issue that only a pro should address.
Other common liftgate problems that should be checked by a professional mechanic for a more accurate diagnosis are:
jerky or wobbly movement when operating the lift
a platform that drifts down slowly when raised
sagging doors or platforms even with small loads
doors/platforms can't be fully raised or lowered
If you're in Binghamton, NY and looking to purchase a new lift gate or have service & repair to your current liftgate, call Laing Industries!
For all your Trailer Repair, RV & Motorhome Repair, Liftgate Repair, Collision Repair call Laing Industries at 607-775-9776